ZAGREB - U zajedničkoj organizaciji Ministarstva rada i mirovinskoga sustava, Hrvatskog zavoda za mirovinsko osiguranje, Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje, Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje i Središnjeg registra osiguranika javno predstavljanje brošure „
Vodič kroz prava – Hrvatska u EU: Sloboda kretanja radnika i sustav socijalne sigurnosti“. Ministar rada i mirovinskoga sustava prof. dr. sc.
Mirando Mrsić, dr. med., kao i čelnici institucija uključenih u sustav socijalne sigurnosti u Republici Hrvatskoj, predstavili su brošuru.
Brošura „Vodič kroz prava – Hrvatska u EU: Sloboda kretanja radnika i sustav socijalne sigurnosti“ je rezultat IPA 2009 twinning projekta “Jačanje administrativnih kapaciteta nadležnih tijela i provedbenih ustanova na području koordinacije sustava socijalne sigurnosti” vrijednog 1.000.000 eura. Svaki građanin Europske unije ima pravo raditi i živjeti u drugoj zemlji EU. Stupanjem Hrvatske u EU njezini građani postaju građani Europske unije te se javljaju pitanja kao: Kada se krećem unutar EU u kojoj zemlji ostvarujem pravo na zdravstveno osiguranje? Što se događa s mojim mirovinom, ako sam radio u više od jedne države EU? Mogu li tražiti posao u drugoj državi članici EU? i sl. Odgovori na ova i slična pitanja nalaze se u brošuri koja će preko ministarstva i provedbenih tijela biti dostupna građanima RH, bilo u tiskanom obliku, bilo u elektroničkom obliku, na web stranicama.

When moving within the EU in which country I am entitled to health insurance? What happens to my pension if I have worked in more than one EU country? Can I look for work in another EU member state? – are just some of the questions that citizens could get answers to in the brochure “Croatia in the EU – Guide through your Rights,” which from December 2012 will be available on the websites and in the premises of all the institutions involved in the social security system in the Republic of Croatia.
In the brochure rights are presented to health and pension insurance as well as unemployment entitlements. Rights are listed that are exercised on the territory of the Republic of Croatia, as well as the rights that the citizens from 1st July 2013 will be entitled to as citizens of the European Union. Rights from the social security system of the Croatian citizens in other EU countries are protected and covered with the system of the country in which at that time they are working or living (depending on status). Exceptions are, for example posted workers. The concept of social security includes health care, maternity and parental benefits, family benefits, unemployment benefits and pension insurance rights. From the standpoint of the social security Croatian citizens are treated equally as citizens of the EU country in which they live and work.
The brochure is published within the European Union’s IPA Programme 2009 twinning project „Strengthening the administrative capacity of competent authorities and implementation agencies for coordination of social security schemes“ worth one million euros implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Pension System, Croatia in cooperation with the Social Insurance Agency and the Unemployment Insurance Board, Sweden. The main goal and purpose of the project is to increase the institutional and administrative capacity of the competent authorities and implementation agencies (liaison bodies) to effectively coordinate social security schemes upon EU accession, and in the project participate all the competent ministries and institutions responsible for the implementation of the social security system: Ministry of Labour and Pension System, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Policy and Youth, Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, Croatian Employment Service and the Central Registry of Affiliates.