Vodič – prava i obveze iz Zakona o radu i Zakona o zaštiti na radu / Guide - Rights and obligations under the Labor Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act

Slika /dokumenti/Uprava za rad/brošura.PNG
Vodič je namijenjen poslodavcima, radnicima i stranim radnicima koji poslove obavljaju kod poslodavaca koji imaju registriranu djelatnost na području Republike Hrvatske.

U Republici Hrvatskoj, kao članici Europske unije, postoje visoki standardi u području rada i zaštite na radu. Strani i domaći radnici imaju jednaka prava iz radnog odnosa, uključujući prava na području zaštite na radu.

Vodič sadrži jednostavne i praktične Upute vezane za prava i obveze poslodavaca i radnika propisane Zakonom o radu i Zakonom o zaštiti na radu.

Vodič - prava i obveze iz Zakona o radu i Zakona o zaštiti na radu​

Vodič je dostupan na hrvatskom i još četiti jezika koje možete preuzeti na poveznici.

This guide is intended for employers, workers and foreign workers who perform work with employers who have a registered activity in the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

In the Republic of Croatia, as a member of the European Union, there are high standards in the field of work and occupational health and safety. Foreign and domestic workers have equal employment rights, including rights in the field of occupational health and safety.

This guide contains simple and practical instructions related to the rights and obligations of employers and workers prescribed by the Labour Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Guide - Rights and obligations under the Labor Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act

The guide is available in Croatian and four other languages ​​that can be downloaded from the link.