- Objavljeno: 17.06.2013.
Ministar Mrsić na 102. konferenciji Međunarodne organizacije rada
ŽENEVA - Izaslanstvo Ministarstva rada i mirovinskoga sustava, predvođeno ministrom prof. dr. sc. Mirandom Mrsićem, dr. med., sudjeluje na 102. konferenciji Međunarodne organizacije rada (ILO). Glavne teme ovogodišnje konferencije su zapošljavanje i socijalna skrb u novom demografskom kontekstu, održivi razvoj i zeleni poslovi te socijalni dijalog.U nastavku je govor ministra Mrsića na 102. konferenciji ILO-a.
Mr Chairperson,
Honorable Ministers,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the Government of Republic of Croatia I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to address today the 102 International Labour Conference. Republic of Croatia greatly appreciates the ILO’s strong engagement in addressing challenges we are facing today in the world of work and in accomplishing the prosperity and social justice around the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I believe that the future we all want to see, strongly depends on actions we are taking today. Almost every day, we hear of shocking stories of redundancies in countries around the world. Millions of people are losing their jobs, and poverty is on the rise. The International Labour Organization promoting its universal principles of protection of human rights and respect and protection of fundamental principles and rights at work has a crucial role to play in formulating a global response on challenges that we are all facing today. Decent Work Agenda, Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization and the Global Jobs Pact set a clear vision on goals we want to achieve. I believe that these strategic documents are well prepared and appropriate policy framework to effectively confront the crisis and poverty. This is a good starting point for actions we need to take today in order to achieve decent work for all in the future.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Republic of Croatia shares this common vision, and it is fully committed of achieving this universal standards. I strongly believe that the most important prerequisite for the creation of new quality jobs is a sustainable and stable economic growth. For that reason, creating conditions for full employment in an environment which will generate development of new workplaces, promoting both inclusion and productivity by facilitating provisions for social welfare for everyone, promoting social dialogue at all levels, are the key areas where the Republic of Croatia is placing its efforts in order to accomplish a decent work for all in a job- oriented economy. Here and today I also have to say that the results we want to achieve and deliver strongly depend on the challenges the global economic and financial crisis is currently posing on economic and social sphere, but also depend on our wisdom how to overcome its negative consequences. Unemployment has reached an unacceptable level, but recovery signs are not yet clearly visible. In this context, therefore, our major challenge is not only to successfully achieve sustainable job creation, but also, and more importantly, to protect and preserve employment during the crisis. We continue with balanced and ambitious reforms in our labour market, aiming at removing obstacles to job quality job creation, and ensuring that those who lose their jobs in a downturn get adequate support to help them back into work or retraining. One of the biggest concerns today in Croatia, as in whole world, is a growing problem of youth unemployment. Young people, have particular problems with entering the labour market and keeping a stable job. When young people manage to find job it is often precarious job or atypical employment. Republic of Croatia believes that active labour market policies together with education programs could help young people in their integration into labour market. Building a knowledge-based society demands strategic vision on economic development, but also continuous investment into human resources, based on the well designed policies at both, national and international level. Government of the Republic of Croatia, together with all stakeholders, proactively carries out the reform of education system, in accordance with the concept of lifelong learning.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Social effects of the global financial crisis continue to be felt by our societies. Furthermore, demographic change including population ageing has made it clear that we need to modernize our welfare systems, respecting the principles of intergenerational solidarity and sustainability of social security systems. Like in many member states of the European Union, proportion of older population in Croatia has increased, and the fertility rate has been reduced. Population projections to 2060, imply the significant decline of the share of young people, and increase the share of the population aged over 65, whose share in past 35 years increased from 10 percent to over 15%. In this context, we expect the share of working age population to decrease by 9% by 2050. So, the financial affordability and sustainability of social protection systems have become one of the major concerns. Croatia believes that the problem of depopulation is the problem of the whole society and it needs to be addressed at all levels, from international to local level, particularly through innovative, mutually supportive and balanced policies and good governance.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Republic of Croatia is fully committed to the social dialogue. Government of Republic of Croatia and the social partners strongly believe that close tripartite cooperation between the government and strong social partners is crucial for promoting and creating fair and productive industrial relations, in accordance with the basic principles of the ILO. We also strongly believe that constructive social dialogue has been a key factor in the successful management of economic crises and structural changes and reforms that we are facing and implementing today. Effective and efficient social dialogue, based on mutual trust and respect, ensures a stable framework for business and workers, enabling a creation of job-oriented economy. It reduces the risk of conflict, and mitigates the social consequences of the economic crisis. Our goal and challenge is further improvement of the system of collective bargaining, and also strengthening the position of the social partners in the process of consultations with the Croatian Government and their future participation in the European social dialogue. And let me thank the ILO for the valuable contribution in process of strengthening social dialogue in Croatia.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The contribution of the ILO and its partners in combating the consequences of the crisis has been significant, and give us hope that together we can achieve a better future. We very much welcome the support of the ILO in this difficult task.
Thank you for your kind attention.